Rowing Team Crosses the Atlantic, Data from the Trek Lends New Information About the Limits of the Human Body

A twelve person rowing team took to the seas with one special member of their team. She worked with scientists to track athletic performance in combination with mental health and sleep.

row boat
A boat similar to this was used by the team to cross the Atlantic. The difference is the team had space in the hull to sleep and rest while the other 6 people rowed.

Back in 2021, a twelve-person rowing team crossed the Atlantic. Among this team was Ciara Burns who took measurements of her sleep, heart rate, and metal wellbeing. Researchers found that her sleep fluctuated during the trip and with that her mental health and physical output varied.

The journey

This study was performed during an east to west cross Atlantic rowing trip. The trip took 42 days to cross from Tenerife to Antigua and covered 6,185 km. The vessel was strictly powered by the twelve rowers and was designed specifically to cross over open oceans.

The vessel was designed with 6 rowing positions and 6 places for people to sleep. So, the rowers switched off exercising and resting every three hours.

This was the first time Burns participated in an open ocean rowing event such as this. This allowed for researchers to understand the effects of this kind of exertion on a person unaccustomed to the stress.

The data

Burns took an ECG measurement every other day to see how her heart rate changed during the journey. The measurement they took was to compare her resting heart rate to her rowing heart rate.

She also took data on her sleep during the last 24 hours. Researchers asked her to answer three questions:

  • “How do you rate your sleep quality in the last 24 hours?”
  • “Did you have problems falling asleep during sleep periods in the last 24 hours?”
  • “Did you wake up during sleep periods in the last 24 h?”

She rated her sleep on a scale of one to five according to parameters the researchers gave her.

Burns also took note of her mental wellbeing during the 42-day trip. This was accomplished again with a series of questions each day:

  • “Was it physically exhausting to row in the last 24 hours?”,
  • “How do you rate your wellbeing in the last 24 hours?”
  • “Did you feel tired during daytime rowing in the last 24 hours?”

This was again rated on a one to five scale set by researchers. She also was given a diary on a smartphone to take note of any exceptional mental health changes.

What they found

An interesting conclusion that came from this study is the boat moved faster and more efficiently on the days when her wellbeing was positive. Her mental health and sleep overall improved by the end of the journey when a pattern and rhythm were established within Burns.

The researchers found that the organization of this trek could be improved to further capitalize on the rowers’ abilities. They suggest a more gradual introduction into an altered sleep/work pattern and higher prioritization of downtime in the middle of the journey. Both recommendations would benefit the athletes’ mental health and therefore increase the output of the boat.

This research could be used by more than just cross-ocean rowers. Anyone hoping to preform athletics at their best should keep in mind that their mental health and sleep play a role in their output. Coaches in organized team sports can also use this to properly manage their players through the season to ensure they are maximizing their abilities.