Ocean floor littered with up to 11 million tonnes of plastic, scientists estimate

Scientists have used data from "sea robots" to identify the sheer amount of plastic pollution that is on the ocean floor, estimating major amounts in the deep ocean depths.

Deep ocean plastic pollution.
Significant amounts of plastic pollution analysed are estimated to be in the deep ocean.

Despite many innovations in naturally degradable plastics, and the introduction of plastic shopping bag charges in countries like the UK, the globe’s current plastic use trend is expected to double by the year 2040. Researchers are interested to track where it enters the natural environment and its transportation patterns, as well as its impacts on marine life.

The way it is broken down when passing through the ocean is important. When becoming small enough to be microplastics, plastic can enter into the digestive systems of various marine species, unless it simply settles onto the seabed and becomes part of sediment, which also affects ecosystems.

11 million tonnes of plastic pollution possibly on the ocean floor

Research from CSIRO, the national science agency of Australia and Canada’s University of Toronto estimate as much as 11 million tonnes of plastic pollution lies on the seabed. The researchers conducted a systematic review, and modelling that incorporated data from remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), as well as bottom trawl data.

Dr Denise Hardesty who is a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO commented: “We know that millions of tonnes of plastic waste enter our oceans every year but what we didn’t know is how much of this pollution ends up on our ocean floor."

“We discovered that the ocean floor has become a resting place, or reservoir, for most plastic pollution, with between 3 to 11 million tonnes of plastic estimated to be sinking to the ocean floor."

Just under half of plastic pollution in the ocean affects shallower waters and coastal areas where humans are imapacted.
Just under half of plastic pollution in the ocean affects shallower waters and coastal areas where humans are imapacted.

“While there has been a previous estimate of microplastics on the seafloor, this research looks at larger items, from nets and cups to plastic bags and everything in between.”

The ocean bottom acts like a reservoir, or resting place for plastic waste. It is unknown what such large amounts of plastic storage will do to the wider fragile ocean environment. The amount of plastic unseen on the seabed could be as much as 100 times more than what is found floating in shallow or surface waters.

Revelations by robots of the sea

The data obtained from the ROVs revealed that 3-11 million metric tonnes of plastic pollution sits on the ocean floor, where it becomes part of sediments.

These “sea robots” also showed that large amounts of plastics build up around continents, and in coastal, inland seas. These make up less area than the ocean floor, but still have a significant portion of plastic waste. Large plastic fragments are also polluting continental areas that have high human populations, which will impact communities.

Problems also lie offshore, away from populated towns and cities. Just under half of these plastic fragments exist above 200 metres of depth, while over half is in the deep ocean, from 200 m to 11,000 m. These natural territories are known to be fragile but less understood by scientists.

“These findings help to fill a longstanding knowledge gap on the behaviour of plastic in the marine environment,” lead author Dr. Zhu said.

“Understanding the driving forces behind the transport and accumulation of plastic in the deep ocean will help to inform source reduction and environmental remediation efforts, thereby reducing the risks that plastic pollution may pose to marine life,” Dr Zhu added.

Hopefully, better understanding plastic pollution’s sheer magnitude and transportation patterns will inform decisions on minimising future plastic pollution.

Zhu et al (2024). Plastics in the deep sea – A global estimate of the ocean floor reservoir. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. Elsevier.