Weather for all the cities of Saskatchewan
- Badgerville
- Balcarres
- Baljennie
- Bangor
- Bateman
- Battle Heights
- Battleford
- Beartooth Island
- Beatty
- Beaubier
- Beauval
- Beaver Valley
- Beechy
- Belbutte
- Belle Plaine
- Benson
- Bethune
- Bienfait
- Big Beaver
- Biggar
- Birch Hills
- Birsay
- Bjorkdale
- Black Lake
- Bladworth
- Blaine Lake
- Blumenhof
- Borden
- Bounty
- Bournemouth
- Bracken
- Bredenbury
- Briercrest
- Broadview
- Brock
- Broderick
- Bromhead
- Brooksby
- Browning
- Bruno
- Buchanan
- Buffalo Gap
- Buffalo Narrows
- Bulyea
- Bures
- Burr
- Burstall