Weather for all the cities of Saskatchewan
- Fairholme
- Fairlight
- Fenwood
- Fife Lake
- Fillmore
- Fiske
- Flaxcombe
- Fleming
- Flintoft
- Foam Lake
- Fond-Du-Lac
- Forget
- Fort Qu'appelle
- Fosston
- Fox Valley
- Foxford
- Francis
- Freemont
- Frenchman Butte
- Frenchville
- Frobisher
- Frontier
- Fusilier
- Gainsborough
- Garrick
- Garson Lake
- Gerald
- Girvin
- Gladmar
- Glaslyn
- Glasnevin
- Glen Ewen
- Glen Mcpherson
- Glenbush
- Glenside
- Glentworth
- Glidden
- Golden Prairie
- Golden Ridge
- Goodeve
- Goodsoil
- Goodwater
- Govan
- Govenlock
- Grandora
- Gravelbourg
- Grayson
- Green Lake
- Greenan
- Greenstreet
- Grenfell
- Griffin
- Gronlid
- Guernsey
- Gull Lake
- Gunnar