Weather for all the cities of Saskatchewan
- Cabri
- Cadillac
- Calder
- Camsell Portage
- Candle Lake
- Cando
- Canopus
- Canora
- Canwood
- Cardross
- Carievale
- Carlton
- Carlyle
- Carnduff
- Caronport
- Carrot River
- Carruthers
- Cedoux
- Central Butte
- Ceylon
- Chamberlain
- Chaplin
- Chelan
- Chitek
- Chitek Lake
- Choiceland
- Churchbridge
- Claydon
- Climax
- Cloan
- Cochin
- Coderre
- Codette
- Coleville
- Colfax
- Collins Bay Automatic Weather Reporting System
- Colonsay
- Conquest
- Consul
- Cookson
- Corning
- Coronach Spc
- Cosine
- Craik
- Crane Valley
- Cree Lake
- Cree Lake Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
- Creelman
- Crooked River
- Cudworth
- Cumberland House
- Cupar
- Cut Knife
- Cypress Hills Park