Dark matter may have helped make supermassive black holes at the beginning of time
New information regarding the formation of supermassive dark holes answers the question of how they were able to form at the beginning of time. The study has been published by UCLA astrophysicists in Physical Review Letters.

It takes a long time for supermassive black holes to form. Typically, the birth of a black hole happens when a giant star with the mass of at least 50 of our suns burns out—a process that can take billions of years—and its core collapses in on itself.
Sagittarius A* is a four million solar masses black hole, found in the Milky Way, and is a far cry from the billion solar masses supermassive black holes found in other galaxies. Gigantic black holes form from smaller black holes by accretion of stars and gas, or by merging black holes which takes billions of years.
Now the James Webb Space Telescope is discovering supermassive black holes near the beginning of time, eons before they should have been able to form. Astrophysicists from UCLA think they have the answer: Dark matter kept hydrogen from cooling, long enough for gravity to then condense it into clouds dense and big enough to turn into black holes rather than stars.
“How surprising it has been to find a supermassive black hole with a billion solar mass when the universe itself is only half a billion years old,” said senior author Alexander Kusenko, a UCLA professor of physics and astronomy. “It’s like finding a modern car among dinosaur bones and wondering who built that car in the prehistoric times.”

Some astrophysicists claim that a large cloud of gas could collapse to directly form a supermassive black hole, bypassing the need for stellar burning, accretion and mergers. But, gravity will pull a large cloud of gas together, but not form into one large cloud. Instead, it would gather sections of the gas together into small halos that float near one another but do not form a black hole.
The reason this happens is because the gas cloud cools very quickly, and only when the gas is hot can it counter gravity. When the gas cools, pressure decreases, and gravity will prevail in small regions, which causes them to collapse into dense objects before gravity has a chance to pull the cloud into a single black hole.
“How quickly the gas cools has a lot to do with the amount of molecular hydrogen,” said doctoral student and first author Yifan Lu. “Hydrogen atoms bonded together in a molecule dissipate energy when they encounter a loose hydrogen atom. The hydrogen molecules become cooling agents as they absorb thermal energy and radiate it away. Hydrogen clouds in the early universe had too much molecular hydrogen, and the gas cooled quickly and formed small halos instead of large clouds.”
Postdoctoral researcher Zachary Picker and Lu created code to calculate all of the possible processes of this scenario and they discovered that added radiation could heat the gas and dissociate the hydrogen molecules, which would alter how the gas cools.
“If you add radiation in a certain energy range, it destroys molecular hydrogen and creates conditions that prevent fragmentation of large clouds,” Lu said.
But where does the radiation come from?
Only a small portion of matter in the universe makes up our bodies, planets and stars among other things we can see. The majority of matter is made of some new particles, which scientists have not been able to identify.
The properties and forms of dark matter are truly a mystery that remains unsolved. While what dark matter is made up of is known, particle theorists have speculated that it could contain unstable particles which decay into photons – particles of light. Including dark matter in the simulations provides the radiation needed for the gas to remain in a large cloud while it collapses into a black hole.
Dark matter could be made from particles that slowly decay or more than one particle species – some that decay at early times and some that are stable. In both situations, the product of decay could be radiation in the form of photons. This would break up molecular hydrogen and prevent hydrogen clouds from cooling, forming large clouds and then becoming supermassive black holes.
“This could be the solution to why supermassive black holes are found very early on,” Picker said. “If you’re optimistic, you could also read this as positive evidence for one kind of dark matter. If these supermassive black holes formed by the collapse of a gas cloud, maybe the additional radiation required would have to come from the unknown physics of the dark sector.”