Hattie Russell

Hattie Russell

Earth Science writer - 62 articles

Hattie graduated with her Master’s in Science degree in Palaeontology with Geology in May 2024 at the University of Birmingham. During her time at University, she completed an internship for the Jurassic Coast Trust, Dorset, which involved significance assessments of fossils as well as interpretive writing based on these fossils.

She was a volunteer for three years with the Natural History Museum in Oxford, where she completed two projects. This included cataloguing the John Eddowes Bowman Collection and Mammals of the Pleistocene of the Upper Thames Valley. Hattie’s obsession with fossil teeth may have started due to these projects. She then went on to boost science communication efforts for the collection’s hidden stories.

As an Editor at YourWeather, she is excited to share her enthusiasm for all things science. Palaeontology will always be her childhood passion, and you will never find her happier than being covered in mud on Charmoth beach searching for ammonites.

News by Hattie Russell

Does your cup of tea also contain microplastics?

A new study unveils the truth about micro and nano plastics within common household items such as various teabags commercially available and how these interact with the human body.

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