March full moon or worm moon, the first full moon of spring

The full moon of March is also known as the worm moon, and in the year 2024 it arrived at the beginning of astronomical spring and coincides with a penumbral eclipse.

Worm moon.
The full Moon in March, also known as the worm moon, coincides this year with a penumbral eclipse.

The arrival of the March full moon is here. This lunar event is of special importance in the 2024 astronomical calendar, since it coincides with the first of the four eclipses planned for this year.

In addition, it is the first full moon of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere. Popularly known as the Worm Moon, this March lunar phase is also called by other names, such as Crow Moon or High Wind Moon. In India, it coincides with the beginning of the popular Holi festival, adding a peculiar cultural nuance to its meaning.

When will the full moon be in March?

20 March marked the official start of astronomical spring. In the context of the 2024 lunar calendar, this month's represents the third of 12 full moons projected for this year. On March 25, the full moon is located in the constellation of Virgo, close to the luminous star Spica. Later, the Moon will transit towards the constellation of Scorpio and, by 30-31 March, it will be very close to the bright star Antares.

The next full moon, known as the worm moon, reaches its climax on 25 March, according to the National Geographic Institute (IGN). This first full Moon of spring coincided with a penumbral eclipse, a phenomenon that only occurs during the full moon phases. During the eclipse, 98% of the lunar surface will be covered by Earth's penumbra.

The maximum phase of the eclipse will take place on 25 March at 07:13 GMT. This lunar eclipse has been visible from North and South America, northeast Asia, and much of Europe, Africa, and Australia. And yes, it will be visible from the UK and Spain, but as it is a penumbral eclipse it will be seen weakly.

What is the origin of the name worm moon?

The names given to full moons reflect particular characteristics of the months in which they occur. For example, in America and Europe, the full Moon in March is called the worm moon due to the appearance of earthworms during this month, when the soil begins to warm up after the cold winter.

According to the calendar designed by former NASA astrophysicist Fred Espenak, the full Moon of March 2024 will be the second and last micromoon of the year.

Other names associated with this full moon include sleeping moon, wind moon, chaste moon, windy moon or harvest moon, and corn moon in the southern hemisphere.

Lunar eclipse, 25 March.
On 25 March, coinciding with the full Moon, there is a penumbral eclipse.

Curiously, worms are unmistakable signs of the arrival of spring, since they attract birds such as robins and other species that are considered symbols of this season. Another event that marks the arrival of spring is the March equinox which, astronomically speaking, represents the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere.

This year, the March full moon is also considered the first after the March equinox (occurring on 20 March), thus receiving the additional name "Easter Moon." The Christian holiday of Easter is always celebrated on the first Sunday after the Easter Moon, and in 2024 Easter will fall on 31 March.

The remaining full moons of the year 2024

If you are passionate about astronomy and specifically our natural satellite, write down the dates with the full moons that still remain this year.

  • 24 April: Pink moon.
  • 23 May: Flower moon.
  • 21 June: Strawberry moon.
  • 21 July: Deer moon.
  • 19 August: Sturgeon moon.
  • 18 September: Harvest moon.
  • 17 October: Hunter's moon.
  • 15 November: Beaver moon.
  • 15 December: Cold moon.