Weather for all the cities of Illinois
- Saint Elmo
- Salem
- Samuelson Corners
- Sand Ridge
- Saratoga
- Sauganash
- Schaumburg
- Schiller Park
- Schnells Corner
- Seatonville
- Selmaville
- Seymour
- Shale Bluff
- Sheffield
- Sheridan Estates
- Sherman Corners
- Sherwood Oaks
- Shobonier
- Shumway
- Sicily
- Sidney
- Silvis
- Ski Snowstar Winter Sports Park
- Skokie
- Skokie Highlands
- Sleepy Hollow
- Smithboro
- Somerfield
- Sorento
- South Addison
- South Barrington
- South Beloit
- South Chicago Heights
- South Elmhurst
- South Harvey
- South Pole
- South Wilmington
- Southern View
- Southlawn
- Southmore Heights
- Sparta
- Sportmans Cove
- Spring Bay
- Springfield
- Springwood South
- Stagecoach Hills
- Stallings
- Staunton
- Stavanger
- Sterling Rockfalls
- Steward
- Stiritz
- Stockdale
- Stockton
- Stoy
- Streeterville
- Stubblefield
- Sugar Grove
- Sugarloaf Heights
- Summit
- Sutton
- Swift
- Sycamore