Weather for all the cities of Illinois
- Hagarstown
- Hamel
- Hamlin Park
- Hammond
- Hampshire
- Hanson Park
- Harmony
- Harrisburg
- Harrison Avenue Gardens
- Harwood Heights
- Hayes
- Hazel Crest
- Heart O' Northbrook
- Heatherlea
- Heatherstone
- Hegeler
- Hegeler
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Henry
- Heritage Meadows
- Hickory Hills
- Hickory Hills
- Highland
- Highland Hills
- Highmoor
- Hillcrest
- Hillside
- Hoffman Estates
- Holiday Acres Mobile Home Park
- Hollowayville
- Hometown
- Honey Bend
- Honeytree
- Horatio Gardens
- Hubbard Woods
- Hudgens
- Hunters Trail
- Huntley
- Idylside
- Iles
- Illinois City
- Illinois Park
- Ina
- Indian Head Park
- Indian Oaks
- Ingalls Park
- Ingleside
- Ingleside Shore
- Inverness
- Irving
- Irving Park
- Italian Bowery
- Itasca
- Ivy Heights