Weather for all the cities of Illinois
- Fargo
- Farina
- Farmersville
- Fernway
- Fernway Park
- Fields Of Saratoga
- Fifty Acres
- Flowerfield
- Ford Heights
- Forest Hill
- Forest Hills Village
- Forest View Estates
- Fort Dearborn Addition
- Fossland
- Fox Lake
- Foxborough Estates
- Foxcroft
- Franklin Park
- Freeman
- Fullersburg
- Funkhouser
- Funks Grove
- Future City
- Galesburg
- Galewood
- Galton
- Garden Prairie
- Gardena
- Garfields
- Gary
- Geneseo
- Geneva Road
- Gilberts
- Gillespie
- Glasgow
- Glen Carbon
- Glen Carbon Crossing
- Glenview
- Glenview
- Glenwood
- Globe
- Gold Coast
- Golden Gardens
- Golden Lily
- Golf Lakes
- Gorman Farm
- Gougars
- Grand Chain
- Grandwood Park
- Grange Hall
- Granite City
- Greenup
- Greenville