Weather for all the cities of Illinois
- Bainbridge
- Bakerville
- Balcom
- Bancroft Corners
- Banner
- Barstow
- Bartonville
- Batavia
- Batavia Junction
- Bayberry Ridge
- Bedford Park
- Bel-Bo Mobile Home Park
- Belgium
- Belgium Row
- Bell
- Belleville
- Belmont
- Belvidere
- Bensenville
- Benton
- Benton Park
- Berkeley
- Bernice
- Birds
- Birmingham
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield Village
- Bloomingdale
- Bloomington
- Central Illinois Regional Airport Bloomington
- Bolingbrook
- Bonnie
- Boulder Hill
- Bowmanville
- Bradley
- Briar Bluff
- Bridgeport
- Bridgeview
- Bridgeway Addition
- Brighton Park
- Broadview
- Broadwell
- Broken Arrow
- Bronzeville
- Brooks
- Brownstown
- Buckley
- Buena Park
- Buffalo
- Buffalo Grove
- Burbank
- Burnham
- Burnside
- Burr Ridge
- Bushs Corners