Weather for all the cities of Illinois
- Maine
- Malden
- Mammoth Springs
- Mandell
- Manhattan
- Manteno
- Maple
- Maple Ridge
- Marblehead
- Marengo
- Marine
- Marley
- Marseilles Island
- Marshall
- Martinsville
- Maryland Place
- Marywood
- Mason
- Mattoon
- Mayview
- Mazonia
- Mccormickville
- McLean
- Meadow Heights
- Meadowdale Estates
- Melody
- Michigan Beach
- Midlothian
- Milan
- Millsdale
- Milton
- Mineral
- Minooka
- Mitchell
- Mobil-Land Trailer Park
- Mokena
- Moline
- Quad-City International Airport Moline
- Montgomery
- Monticello
- Montrose
- Morehaven
- Morganville
- Morton
- Morton Grove
- Mount Fulcher
- Mount Greenwood
- Mount Olive
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Sterling
- Mount Vernon
- Mulberry Grove
- Mulford Highlands
- Mundelein
- Munger