Researchers have uncovered over 200 dinosaur footprints and five lengthy trackways in an Oxfordshire quarry showing two species potentially living side-by-side.
Kerry Taylor-Smith
Environmental Journalist - 139 articlesKerry is a freelance writer and editor, specialising in science and health-related topics. As a freelance writer, her work has appeared in many scientific and medical magazines and websites, including the AZO portfolio, Forward, Patient and NS Media titles.
Kerry’s articles cover a wide range of topics including astronomy, nanotechnology, physics, medical devices, pharmaceuticals and mental health, but she has a particular interest in environmental science, Cleantech and climate change.
Kerry was previously Web Editor for Laboratory News, where she wrote news, comment and features covering a number of scientific topics. She was also responsible for commissioning and editing features, proofreading the magazine, and maintaining the title’s online presence.
Kerry is NCTJ trained, and has a degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Bath where she studied a range of topics, including chemistry, biology, and environmental sciences.
News by Kerry Taylor-Smith
What do you prefer to see under your Christmas tree; simple packaged presents or overwrapped gifts?
Star-shaped cells in the brain help synchronise and maintain circadian rhythm using a chemical pulse; findings of a new study could have important implications for brain diseases.
Holidaymakers could reduce their carbon emissions by switching from air travel to rail, new research suggests.
Migration to cooler waters may not be enough to save a tiny marine organism essential to the ocean’s carbon cycle, new research has revealed.
In a surprising discovery, researchers have observed three ‘Red Monsters’ that developed in the early Universe.
Comparison of modern-day plankton with species from the ancient past shows modern plankton will struggle to survive in a warming world.
People around the world are facing record-breaking health threats because of climate inaction, but there is still hope for a healthy future, new report says.
How much power does a casino consume, and can we make the industry more sustainable and less energy intensive?
New research has placed the oldest and largest impact crater on the Moon 120 million years earlier than the most intense period of bombardment.
China has changed their policy on family size, allowing parents to have a maximum of three children, but what effect will this have on carbon emissions?
Thirteen years of research results in a map of billions of objects in the central regions of the galaxy.
The impact of one of the world’s most influential global climate patterns is much more far reaching than originally thought.
Wildfires are hastening carbon loss from ecosystems, reducing the volume of emissions that can be emitted while still avoiding the worst impacts of climate change.
New research into what causes lightning strikes could lead to a better understanding and real-time forecasting of thunderstorms in the future.
Northern Elephant seals have made a remarkable comeback after narrowly avoiding extinction by hunting, but new research uncovers lasting genetic effects in the present population.
Phytoplankton are thriving at the surface and subsurface of the Sargasso Sea – an unexpected consequence of ocean warming.
As we spend more time indoors, air quality has never been more important, particularly for vulnerable groups like children; monitoring indoor air pollution is vital to safeguard their health.
The National Oceanography Centre are trialling a new type of fuel on two of their research ships in a bid to reduce their carbon footprint.
Antarctic krill poo shows the crustacean plays an important role in carbon storage, harbouring as much as mangroves and seagrass, and should be protected.